Want to Secure up to €1000/ha this Spring? COUNT LYNX BEANS IN
Never before has there been a more compelling reason to sow beans. Beans have the potential to help farmers secure up to €1000/ha this spring.
Yield Benefit to the following crop
Saving on N
Protein Aid Scheme
Research shows that sowing beans as a break crop can add 1.0t/ha to the following cereal crop.
The ability of beans to fix their own N can save up to €500/ha on fertiliser, and beans are worth up to €500/ha with the addition of the DAFM Protein Aid Scheme.
6 key pieces of information when deciding to grow beans
1. Beans are eligible for up to €500/ha Dept of Agriculture Protein Subsidy in 2023 (automatically applied for when completing your Basic Payment Scheme online)
2. Beans save up to €500/ha as they require no nitrogen to grow and leave nitrogen (30 kg/ha) for the following crop
3. Beans yield best in medium/heavy soils with good soil fertility (index 3 for P & K) and pH above 6.5
4. Drill LYNX @ 40 seeds/m2 (210 kg/ha or 13 st/ac) to establish 30 plants/m2
5. Drill beans from Feb to mid-April, soil conditions trump the drilling date
6. Beans break the take-all cycle and add 1.0 t/ha extra yield to the following crop
Tim O'Donovan, Seedtech with Ciaran Collins, Teagasc, Luke Thornton, Quinns of Baltiglass and Darragh Cleary, Kildare farmer
Join me for our third podcast COUNT BEANS IN in our SECURING YIELDS in 2023 series
In this podcast, we discuss why farmers should COUNT LYNX BEANS IN, as well as:
The latest research from Teagasc
How beans performed on farm this year and what farmers need to know on the agronomy of beans
How the potential N saving will allow farmers to manage the utilisation of N across their farm
What the New Protein Payment Subsidy means to farmers
A perspective on the demand and feed value of beans in animal feed