Sowing the seeds for sustainability.
Sustainability is at the core of what we do.
Seedtech has long recognised the potential impact Agribusiness can have on the environment, climate, and communities.
To address this challenge, Seedtech is Shaping the Future of Seed through its dedicated research programme to select new varieties and advancements in seed genetics.
Our seed is carefully grown and managed by experienced seedsmen to meet the highest standards before processing and certification.
So, when you choose a Seedtech variety, you are investing in the future of tillage farming for the next generation.
This is the guarantee you get when you choose a Seedtech variety.
Seedtech has invested heavily in a state-of-the-art seed processing plant in Belview Port, Waterford, which allows the efficient processing of all grades of seed and application of seed treatments including biologicals, which will be even more relied upon in the future.
Seedtech demonstrates its sustainability initiatives by:
Introducing a grower-focused trait-like BYDV tolerance in KWS JOYAU winter barley. This reduces pesticide applications hence no harm to non-target species and allows beneficial early drilling of winter crops whilst maintaining yield levels similar to pesticide-treated crops
Introducing end user-focused traits like low vicine convicine in VICTUS faba beans which improve animal performance (thus reducing methane emissions) and promote human health benefits (reducing the incidence of favism)
Meeting sector needs such as producing organically certified HUSKY oat seed, which also reduces imports of seed for this growing sector
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in winter crops with BELFRY hybrid barley and KWS TAYO hybrid rye. In addition, these hybrid crops produce higher yields using reduced pesticide loading relative to conventional crops (non-hybrid lines)
Supporting new industry initiatives such as winter malting barley with suitable varieties like SY CRAFT and wheat distilling with LG ASTRONOMER. Winter malting barley efficiently spreads the workload for growers and reduces risk to the malting industry, while distilling wheat has the potential to reduce imported starch sources for the whiskey industry
Developing the most efficient growing protocols (i.e., sustainable) from research, we conduct on our trials sites in collaboration with Teagasc/ Universities / Industry collaborators. This information is disseminated to our customer agronomists and farmer network via fact sheets, social media, open days, and one-to-one meetings
Developing new market opportunities for our customers such as exported hybrid rapeseed, cover crop seed and specific end-user
Continuous improvements in manufacturing practices
Introducing electric vehicles to the car fleet where possible
Installation of low emission UV solar power panels as a source of renewable energy
Seedtech has formally adopted the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance its sustainability strategy.
Recognising the potential impact Agribusiness can have on the environment, climate and communities, Seedtech has formally adopted the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance its sustainability strategy. Seedtech contributes to the achievement of three SDG's:
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Seedtech selects the most suitable germplasm from plant breeders across the world through our extensive crop trialling program.
SDG 13 Climate Action: Seedtech collaborates with research institutions to develop varieties that reduce greenhouse gasses either upstream at primary producer level (via reduced inputs such as fertiliser) or downstream at end user level (via reduced manufacturing inputs such as energy).
SDG 15 Life on Land: Seedtech selects arable seed varieties that are suitable to the Irish climate and are tested without certain pesticides to determine their natural fungal resistances which can be used by agronomists and growers to reduce pesticide applications. Also, Seedtech produces native wildflower species which are more suitable to Irish ecosystems and reduces the import of wildflower seed.
This strategy embraces the role that Seedtech has in developing sustainable communities, businesses and farming practices and has identified an ambitious range of goals and projects for the near- and long-term future to support this role.
We believe we are custodians of the future and sustainability is at the core of what we do. We are working hard to ensure our actions today do not negatively impact on future generations. Our people share a culture focused on achieving this with integrity and ambition across each of our businesses.
Seedtech has formally adopted the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance its sustainability strategy.
In early 2020, we decided to enhance and formalise their commitment to operating in the most sustainable fashion possible.
Recognising the potential impact Agribusiness can have on the environment, climate and communities, the Arvum Group, which includes Seed Technology Ltd., launched a Sustainability Strategy Project with a steering group facilitated by a Senior Consultant at IDDEA Consulting.
Over 12 months, we developed a Sustainability Strategy that embraces the Triple Bottom Line concept, focusing on People, Planet and Profit.
This strategy embraces the Arvum Group's role in developing sustainable communities, businesses and farming practices and identified an ambitious range of goals and projects for the near- and long-term future to support this role.