DAFM Spring Beans Recommended List 2023
LYNX continues to be the highest yielding bean available to grow and also the best to stand (important as we no longer have a pre-harvest desiccant option).
LYNX beans offer growers a €500/ha saving on nitrogenous fertilisers (compared to cereals) and are eligible for the Government Protein Aid Scheme payment of €500/ha*
The TGW of LYNX is 533 g so drill 210 kg/ha (~ 13 st/ac) to sow 40 seeds/m2 (expected establishment of 30-35 plants/m2.). Adjust establishment % to suit conditions. See videos below for more information.
*The Protein Aid Scheme payment is expected to be €500/ha; source Teagasc Costs & Returns 2023.
Irish LYNX seed beans are certified free from Stem Nematode and come with all the assurance of being certified by DAFM with our ZERO TOLERANCE ON GRASS WEEDS.
Click on the image for key pieces of information when deciding to grow Lynx Beans this spring.
Seedtech have produced a number of videos on Beans Agronomy. Watch here:
Spring Beans Agronomy| 1. How to sow spring beans and preping seedbed with Seedtech
Spring Beans Agronomy | 2. Emergence of Beans/ legumes video by Seedtech.
Spring Beans Agronomy | 3. Early Spring Growth LYNX Spring Beans/ legumes video by Seedtech
If you misssed our PODCAST 🎧 COUNT BEANS IN | COUNT ON LYNX , join me with Ciaran Collins, Teagasc, Quinns of Baltiglass and Darragh Cleary Kildare listen here:
If you have any queries, please contact Nigel or me.
Best wishes,
Lynx Spring Beans Agronomy Guide HERE
Spring Drilling Plan 2023.
A refererence guide to rotation planning and optimum drilling dates.